With some production and most R&D projects, there is a very important requirement to be able to prototype products or parts prior to committing to production. These prototyping efforts are often critical milestones in the Stage/Gate processes of the IA Method. Because IA has always been committed to R&D, we naturally are also committed to prototyping.
- LVRP Development Fin Press
- Full Volume Fin Press
To support our prototyping efforts, we have a well-equipped machine shop to allow for the rapid production of parts and forming tools. We also have well established relationships with partner companies which allow us to produce parts with just about any manufacturing method available today. Through the combination of these resources and a focus on engineering, we are able to provide prototyping services to our customers.
With respect to the heat exchange industry, we are able to provide prototyping service even beyond those of a well-equipped machine shop. As heat exchange is one of our most important fields for research and development, we have invested considerably in equipment that will allow us to manufacture a wide variety of prototypes for this industry.

Rollform Fin Mill
We have in our facilities a full volume fin press as well as a low volume fin press that are dedicated strictly to prototype and pre-production runs. We also have three fin mills that allow us to roll form prototype components based upon the requirements of the projects. This in-house capability allows us to control the R&D and prototyping process to allow for the best use of resources. As a recent example, we used both our fin press and fin mill capabilities to produce prototypes for a new style of recuperator that is currently in testing for military application.